Lower back pain treatment
Do you suffer from lower back pain and are you looking for lower back exercises? Here you will find them in a professionally built exercise program. The best lower back exercises have been selected for you. Exercises with the support for your lower back you need!
The lower back exercises from the program include:
- back posture exercises
- strengthening the back
- back stability exercises
Complaints in the lower back
Over the years, we have been living more and more in a sitting position. We sit almost all day! Your body (especially your back) is simply not built for that.
Every year many people suffer from lower back pain. With more than 90% there is no physical abnormality, but the back pain is due to daily activities. The complaints can have to do with a wrong or long sitting posture, too weak muscles of your lower back or a wrong movement. The back pain is usually caused by an irritated tendon or muscle. Sometimes the pain in the lower back disappears automatically. However, there is a good chance that the pain will recur again and again.
Treatment: Practice regularly
Regular exercise and proper exercise reduces the lower back load. In addition, lower back exercises prevent a later return of back pain. Do you want to start immediately? Try AudioFysio’s Lower Back Pain App!
Back posture exercises
Lower back pain is usually caused by a one-sided movement pattern and a wrong posture that you have applied yourself to. Especially a long or wrong sitting posture is very stressful for your back. Therefore, pay attention to the important advice for a good posture.
There are several posture exercises in the exercise program. A good posture is important for reducing back pain and it prevents a later return of complaints.
Strengthening the back
In addition to exercises to reduce lower back pain, it is also wise to strengthen your back. This way you build up a good resistance against daily back disturbances. Do you also want to make your back stronger? The best way to do this is with muscle strengthening exercises. In the exercise program you will do several exercises to strengthen your back in addition to a few posture exercises.
Back stability exercises
The muscles of your torso protect your spine. They also ensure that your body keeps control over the position of your spine. This keeps your body stable and in balance. This is important in various everyday efforts. A good trunk stability (core stability) is therefore important for preventing complaints in your back. With stability exercises you train the muscles of your trunk and increase this trunk stability.
Check out one of the exercises in the program!
A tense sitting position does not contribute to the recovery of back pain. The training program responds to this and gives your back relaxation. Some people start different yoga exercises against back pain. With yoga exercises they hope to increase the flexibility of the back. The practice program starts with similar relaxing exercises. Exercises that you can easily perform at home!
Are you currently suffering from lower back pain? Then start immediately with the practice program. Do the right posture exercises, stability exercises and make your back stronger and healthy!